          AIT楊甦棣2008.11.12記者會摘要 ■雲程摘譯 【Comment】 有關台灣司法公正的議題,先前有11月4日白樂崎與學者的聯合聲明,隨後有AIT台北處長的記者會。這顯然不是偶然。 外交官出面關切,本身就是個意義。而外交官說話,本身就是鼓勵與禮節的多,且藏?酒店工作b記者會的記者問答中,無非給對方一個面子,希望一切在和諧的氣氛自然解決不須要事事橫眉豎眼。 但我猜因為馬已經走過孔廟中門、入大成殿上香,可能自認已獲「天?21世紀房屋仲介R」,所有台灣人「莫非王臣」,故楊甦棣或許是白說了。 但是,國務院不是國防部,國務院總是息事寧人,這點是不能搞錯。 有關陳水扁按與司法改革 金融時報Robin鄺: 暫時不論總 花蓮民宿統的案子,目前台灣有許多案件檢察官動用權力長期間拘留人民而不正式起訴,而這不僅引起台灣人民的關切,也引起其他國家學術界的關切。我想問,從你的觀點看,對這檢察官權力的運用有何看法?是否需要進行?票貼q法改革? 楊處長: 這是個好問題。你可能還不滿意我的回答。我想在任何年輕的民主政體中,重要的是去建立對司法體系與刑事體系的信任。如我以前所說的,建立透明、公正、不偏私的程序是很重要的。我也說過,我想在這些天的許多議?澎湖民宿D中,政府與反對派間的更進一步的對話是必要且應盡快進行。我知道台灣的司法體系,就和美國一樣,在被判有罪之前是推定為無罪的。 Chen Shui-bian Case and Judicial Reform ROBIN KWONG, FINANCIAL TIMES: Aside from President Chen's case, t 澎湖民宿here have been a number of cases in Taiwan recently where the prosecutor has used his power to detain people without formally charging them for long periods, and this has raised concern among not just people in Taiwan but also academics in other countries 室內設計and the States, and I'm just wondering, from your perspective, do you seen any concern over this use of prosecutorial power? Do you see any need for judicial reform here? DIRECTOR YOUNG: That's a good question, and you'll probably be dissatisfied with my answer. I think tha 澎湖民宿t in any young democracy, it is important to build confidence in the judicial system and the criminal justice system. As I said before, given the politics of all of this, it is very important that the process, as it goes forward, be transparent, fair and impartial. As I also said, I think that, on 酒店打工a variety of subjects these days, greater dialogue between the government and the opposition is warranted and hopefully will emerge in the near future. I know that Taiwan's legal system, just as America's, views everyone as innocent until proven guilty. 設計裝潢04  .

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